Principles met

  • We will develop systems that enable citizens to be equal partners in designing and commissioning public services and in determining the use of public resources.
  • We will promote community-based approaches to economic development that focus on supporting the creation of jobs, social enterprises and other businesses and providing an environment for co-operative and mutual enterprises to thrive.
  • We will embrace innovation in how we work with local communities to drive positive change.
  • We will support the development of a framework and criteria for social value, giving substance to the concept and supporting Councils with the tools to ensure better local social and economic outcomes.
  • In exploring new ways of meeting the priority needs of our communities we will encourage models, such as co-operatives and mutuals, which give greater influence and voice to staff and users. in designing and commissioning public services and in determining the use of public resources.

Social enterprise Two Generations partners with Hillingdon-based charity Age UK to provide a Homeshare service to older communities across the London Borough. Aimed at reducing loneliness among older people, Homeshare matches a Householder who lives alone and has a spare room (typically an older person or someone with a disability) with a carefully-vetted and friendly Sharer who provides overnight presence, companionship and help with household chores (typically a younger person, mature student, care worker or refugee struggling to afford quality housing).

This innovative approach to community-based care is a social enterprise partnership in action, similar to the Homeshare schemes Two Generations has provided in partnership with other London Boroughs, Harrow and Waltham Forest.

As a community-based service, Homeshare innovates to support older people enjoy continued independent living without the need for extra resources or budget from the council, increasing wellbeing while reducing the strain on local health services and adult social care resources.

Two Generations Homeshare

Householder & Sharer Together

Homeshare In Partnership with Age UK Hillingdon

For further information contact: