Principles met

  • We will develop systems that enable citizens to be equal partners in designing and commissioning public services and in determining the use of public resources.
  • We will embrace innovation in how we work with local communities to drive positive change.
  • In exploring new ways of meeting the priority needs of our communities we will encourage models, such as co-operatives and mutuals, which give greater influence and voice to staff and users. in designing and commissioning public services and in determining the use of public resources.

The Tameside Early Help Strategy 2023-2026 sets out a refreshed approach to early help, recognising the landscape for early intervention has changed significantly both locally and nationally since 2020. Acknowledging current challenges facing families, exacerbated by the cost of living crisis, this new Strategy emphasises the importance of multi-agency working, incorporating lessons from the COVID-19 response.

Recognising the importance of early intervention locally, Tameside has also developed a new Thresholds Document (Tameside Framework for help and support) which reinforces delivery of the Early Help Strategy by supporting professionals to identify signs that families need help and the appropriate level of support required.

A key component to the strategy and the ethos of it encapsulated in practice is the development of a Family Hub and Spoke model within each of the four neighbourhoods (North, East, South and West) of Tameside. Through these Hubs and their satellite locations, families will be able to access services from a variety of community partners for the right help at the right time.

Family Hubs bring together existing family-help services to improve connectivity between families, professionals and services, placing relationships at the heart of our approach. Key partners include the likes of Integrated Care NHS Foundation Trust, Pennine Care, Schools, Leisure/wellbeing Providers, Libraries, Greater Manchester Police and a variety of specialist VCSE Providers.

Given the range of services required to deliver these projects operationally and strategically, developing the approach to the Strategy, the new Thresholds and the Family Hub simultaneously has elevated the Partnership network around Early Help to new heights.

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