The World Cooperative Monitor – ICA

  • 27th Apr 2022

The World Cooperative Monitor (WCM) is a project designed to collect robust economic, organizational, and social data about cooperatives worldwide. It is the only report of its kind collecting annual quantitative data on the global cooperative movement. The publication reports on the world’s largest cooperatives and mutuals, or groups of coop­eratives and mutuals, including rankings of the Top 300 and sectoral analysis.

For 10 years now, the International Cooperative Alliance (ICA) with the scientific and technical support of the European Research Institute on Cooperative and Social Enterprises (Euricse) has produced this annual research report aiming to illustrate the economic and so­cial contributions of cooperatives and mutuals. We have learned a lot over these 10 years and have provided the cooperative movement with a significant tool to evaluate its own positioning and highlight the importance of cooperation in the world to the general public and policy makers. Learn more about what has been achieved over the past 10 years.