Community-Led Housing promotional flyer

In January 2018 the CCIN Housing Commission on Community-Led Housing launched its report, ‘Community-Led Housing: a Key Role for Local Authorities’.  The Commission’s practical approach is aimed at promoting good practice and innovation to enable councils to work with communities to generate more affordable housing and make best use of government funding for community-led housing (CLH).

In March the CCIN produced a flyer to promote the report which includes a QR Code linking directly to the Commission’s website – where you can download the report and12 more detailed case studies that each set out how and why a local authority is supporting CLH, with examples of homes created in their area.  Authorities included are from England, Wales and Scotland, and cover urban and rural areas of both high and low housing demand.

If you are organising an event and would like copies of the flyer please contact:

Download the report and case studies here.

ommunity-Led Housing flyer front page

Community-Led Housing Flyer reverse