Safe Space Final Report

This document will display and highlight key information and successes relating to the SafeSpace programme delivered by Preston North End Community and Education Trust (PNECET) within the school summer holidays.

The Coronavirus outbreak has affected our community in ways we could never have imagined, for young people this affected their education, personal and social skills including their physical and mental health. Whilst circumstances have been unprecedented throughout the year, this programme allowed PNECET to positively engage with young people in our most vulnerable areas of community. The young people who accessed this provision are from some of the most deprived households in Preston and its wards, whom without this provision could have gone without regular meals, physical activity and stimulation throughout summer.

Illustrated throughout this document are case studies and data demonstrating the positive impact this programme has had on young people in attendance and their families. It is our intention to collect sample data from our partner schools to capture their return to school to monitor the impact of the programme.