Principles met

  • We will develop systems that enable citizens to be equal partners in designing and commissioning public services and in determining the use of public resources.
  • We will explore ways for councils to act as a platform for helping the community to contribute to local outcomes, and to re-think the role of councillors as community connectors, brokers and leaders.
  • We will support the development of a framework and criteria for social value, giving substance to the concept and supporting Councils with the tools to ensure better local social and economic outcomes.
  • As a membership organisation, we will make this statement of our principles operational by: • Co-operation among members: Our members work together to help each other implement our values, sharing experiences and learning. • Openness of membership: Full, Associate and Affiliate Membership is open to any qualifying Council, organisation or individual who shares our values and is committed to putting them into action. • Co-production of the Network’s work: Members help shape the Network’s work programme and the content of events and written products. • Action-focused: The network is a vehicle for helping councils translate co-operative values and principles into policy and practice. •Membership-based: The network is majority funded by modest membership subscriptions from its member Councils, Associates and Affiliates. •Non-party-political: Members share the belief that working co-operatively within and across communities holds the key to tackling today’s challenges.

As fears of energy price rises grew over the summer of 2022, Burntwood Town Council was aware that, given our local demography, a significant number of our residents would find themselves in fuel poverty and unable to heat their homes adequately. Seeing numerous warm spaces initiatives taking shape across the country, including by Councils within our Network, we felt that we as a parish council should do what we could with limited resources to support our residents.

We have a strong voluntary and community sector locally and we reached out to partners to ask if they would provide a Warmer Welcome to their neighbours in need. We engaged a key partner to develop a database of the Warmer Welcome spaces offering exactly that, along with free refreshments and other offers they might make such as sharing newspapers, board games, jigsaws etc. The information was widely advertised on social media and posters around the town. We were also able to give some financial support to groups who needed it to help pay for accommodation and resources. The total cost to the Council was £2000.

Councillors Darren Ennis (left) and Sue Woodward (right) visiting Chasetown Football Club’s Warmer Welcome session

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